Teru works at the laundry and meets mizue who intends leaving behind a dress with a sad story 看守洗衣店的智障青年阿照,因一件沾污了的衣物结识了水绘。
Teru yosuke kubozua is an optimistic young man . being slightly mentally handicapped doesn t prohibit him from working at the laundry store 年轻人阿照洼冢洋介生性乐观,纵使智力比常人低,但一样能够自力更新。
He remembered her as a girl , before her marriage , when she would dance with the best , all night , after a hard day s work at the laundry , and think nothing of leaving the dance to go to another day s hard work 他还记得她做姑娘的时候。那时她还没有结婚,在洗衣店系了一天还要跟最好的小伙子通宵跳舞,根本没把跳完舞还要上班子一整天重活放在心上。